FICNOVA: A humanist meeting place in the culture of nonviolence
FICNOVA is a space for reflection and exchange of experience on how to end violence, discrimination and human suffering, on a personal and social level.
To this end, since 2012 we have been organising the International Film Festival of Active Nonviolence, sharing films that show how nonviolence can transform the world.
FICNOVA is inspired by Universalist Humanism, expounded in the work of Silo (Mario Rodríguez Cobos) and the contributions of numerous authors. We believe that Humanism and Nonviolence are essential to reverse the current violent and inhuman direction.
Basic points of Humanism:
- Placing the human being as a central value and concern, so that nothing is above the human being, and no human being is above another.
- Equality of all people, not only in rights, but also in opportunities.
- The personal and cultural diversity of each people, condemning all discrimination on the basis of economic, racial, ethnic and cultural differences.
- The development of knowledge beyond the limitations imposed on thought by prejudices accepted as absolute or immutable truths; freedom of ideas and beliefs.
- The repudiation not only of physical violence but of all other forms of violence – economic, racial, sexual, religious, moral and psychological – as everyday occurrences throughout the world.: económica, racial, sexual, religiosa, moral y psicológica, como casos cotidianos arraigados en todo el mundo.
FICNOVA, a humanist non-profit association with registration number 615129 in the Spanish M.I.