Rosario, the city of the beautiful

imagen Rosario Ciudad de las lindas
cartel Rosario, ciudad de las lindas
 2019. Argentina. 15 min
Director:Romina Tamburello
Production:Luciana Tamburello
Script:Romina Tamburello
Director of photography
and camera:
Romina Pereyra
Camera assistant:Clara Ripoll
Assistant director
and production:
Esteban Trivisonno
Editing:Carina Passerini
Sound:Fernando Romero de Toma

In a night-time taxi ride through the streets of Rosario, three women will tell their stories and make us part of a deeper story, that of the Rosario women, who for many are the most beautiful in the country and who for us are comrades in struggle.

Non-Violence themes: SEXUAL, MORAL, ECONOMIC



Laurel Cortometraje Finalista V FICNOVA 2020

FICNOVA recognises in the film a demonstration effect of the advancing nonviolent struggle against the sexual violence exercised by disconnected, inhuman “men” who manage to install fear in the most basic activities, such as being able to walk alone at night.