FICNOVA Education Centers SectionVIDEO LIBRARY

The word, the solution?

imagen La palabra la solución?
Cartel La palabra solución
 2013. España. 2 min
Direction:Blanca Pardo Prado / Víctor Gómez
Centre:IES La Serna – Fuenlabrada
Script:Alumnos IES La Serna
Acknowledment:The international jury of the 1st FICNOVA finally judged this work together with all the works from educational centres, in order to solve an organisational error. Thanks to the authors for their understanding.


It is not the words themselves that provide the solutions to conflicts, but the positive attitude to resolve them.

Non-violence issues: PSYCHOLOGICAL



Laurel Corto Centros Enseñanza Finalista I FICNOVA 2013

FICNOVA recognises in the film the effort from the classroom to go beyond the formality of words to resolve conflicts, learning to rescue the intentions to want to resolve them and not remain impassive in the face of them.