Award-winningMovies 2022VIDEO LIBRARY

Two rivers. Cocoa and freedom

Frame Dois riachoes Cacao e libertade
 2021. Brasil 10 min
Directors:Fellipe Abreu
Patricia Moll
Producer:Patricia Moll
Script:Patricia Moll
Photography Director:Fellipe Abreu
Edition:Vitor Pessoa
Sound:Bianca María Binazzi
Enrique Menezes
Music:Enrique Menezes
Fred Sawabini

The inhabitants of the Dois Riachões settlement used to live in a situation analogous to slavery, but today they have managed to conquer the land and their freedom through cocoa production. In 2021 the community launched its own brand of chocolate.

Non-Violence Issues: ECONOMIC, RACIAL, MORAL



Laurel Estela Cortometraje galardonado 6 FICNOVA 2022

FICNOVA recognises in the film the effort to walk from slavery to freedom of an entire subjugated people, thanks to the awareness and collective work of mutual support.