FICNOVA is a humanist meeting place in the culture of non-violence

logo Ficnova

It is a space for reflection where experiences can be exchanged in terms of how to put an end to violence, discrimination and human suffering, at a personal and social level.


To this end, since 2012 we have been organising the International Film Festival of Active Non-violence setting out to identify productions that show how non-violence can change the world.

FICNOVA takes its inspiration from Universalist Humanism, as explained in the work of Silo (Mario Rodríguez Cobos) and in the contributions of numerous authors. It is our belief that Humanism and Non-violence are essential to reverse the current violent and inhuman direction, putting the following basic points of Humanism at the centre:

  1. Setting the human being as the central value and object of concern, in such a manner that nothing is above the human being, where no human being is above another.
  2. The equality of all people, not only of rights, but also equal opportunities for all.
  3. Personal and cultural diversity of all people, condemning all discrimination on the basis of economic, racial, ethnic and cultural differences.
  4. The development of knowledge beyond the limitations imposed on thought by prejudices that are accepted as absolute or immutable truths.
  5. Freedom of ideas and beliefs
  6. The repudiation not only of physical violence but of all other forms of violence: economic, racial, sexual, religious, moral and psychological, as daily occurrences rooted worldwide.
mundo ficnova

“…Humanists feel that their history is very long and that their future is even longer. They think of the future, striving to overcome today’s general crisis. They are optimists, believing in freedom and social progress.

Humanists are internationalists, aspiring to a universal human nation. They have a global understanding of the world in which they live and act in their immediate environment. They do not want a uniform but a multiple world: multiple in ethnicities, languages and customs; multiple in localities, regions and autonomies; multiple in ideas and aspirations; multiple in beliefs, atheism and religiosity; multiple in work; multiple in creativity.

Humanists do not want masters; they do not want leaders or bosses, nor do they feel they are the representatives or bosses of anyone. Humanists do not want a centralised state, nor a para-state to replace it. Humanists do not want police armies, nor armed gangs to replace them.

But between humanist aspirations and the realities of today’s world, a wall has been erected. The time has come to tear it down. For this reason, the union of all the humanists of the world is necessary…”.

Silo. “Document of the Humanist Movement”, 1991.


FICNOVA, Humanist non-profit making association with registration number 615129 in the Spanish M.I.