6th FICNOVA 2022 Awards Ceremony

FICNOVA international meeting

invitacion 2020

On Saturday 1st October, the Active Nonviolence International Film Festival presented the “Estelas“, the awards of its 6th Edition 2022, in a virtual gala by Zoom with the help of the UNED (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distacia) who from Madrid facilitated the live connection so that participants from all over the world could meet. In this way we were able to meet directors and filmmakers from America, Africa and Europe. In addition, the event was streamed on the UNED Channel.

The meeting was coordinated from the festival’s host cities in: Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, Mexico City, Puyo in Ecuador, Santiago de Chile, and Vigo and Madrid in Spain.

After the welcome to all attendees by Pepa Benítez, and the projection of the Videospot of the 6th edition, we started the event with the presentation made by Sila Améstica from Santiago de Chile explaining who we were organising the festival. “We are all volunteers, we are inspired by the New Universalist Humanism, a movement initiated by Silo, Latin American thinker and spiritual guide ….” “and in synthesis we are people who have dedicated our whole lives to changing the world”.

There was a short reflection on the meaning of nonviolence and why do we act in this way? Why do we do the festival? Pablo Martínez from Madrid explained some motivations from an experiential point of view.

After this brief introduction, the finalist and award-winning films were presented.

At the event, the 20 finalist films were presented and the awards of the four sections of the festival were announced: Educational Centres and Short Films, Medium-length Films and Feature Films of the General Section.

This year’s winners were announced in the following videos:


Educational Establishments Section.
Award-winning short film:
Humanize. Portugal

General Section.
Award-winning short film:
Two rivers. Cocoa and freedom. Brazil

General Section.
Award-winning medium-length film:
Solidarity Crime. Spain

General Section.
Award-winning feature film:
La vuelta al campo. Argentina

Awards were presented to the films: “Humanize” in the Educational Institutions Section, “Dos Ríos – Cacao y Libertad” in the Short Film Section, “Solidarity Crime, the borders of democracy” in the Medium-length Film Section and “La vuelta al campo” in the Feature Films Section.

We announce that although we will initially focus on the screening of the award-winning and finalist films, we hope to be able to reach agreements with all the authors of the “Official Competition Selection” who wish to do so, so that their works can be accessible from the FICNOVA website, or to be screened at events organised by FICNOVA to promote non-violence, free of charge.

We will soon publish the calendar of programmed activities, to invite all those interested to participate in the events.

Thank you very much to everyone and congratulations to the winners.

FICNOVA organising team