
imagen Efímero
Afiche Efimero
 2013. Guatemala. 14 min
Director:Ingrid Cuevas
Producer:Mynor Martínez
Script:Ingrid Cuevas y Stephanie Rodríguez
Direction of photography:Arnoldo Arévalo
Art Direction:Ingrid Cuevas
Edition:Ingrid Cuevas
Sound:Arnoldo Arévalo
Actors:Alfredo Morán, Arnoldo Sánchez y Juan Luis Osorio


“The death penalty in Guatemala. Killing to justify a criminal act is killing in the same way. The circle is the same, death after death.
It is time to break that circle.”

Non-Violence Issues: PHYSICAL, MORAL.


Coming soon


laurel Cortometraje Finalista II FICNOVA 2014

FICNOVA recognises in the film the effort to denounce and support the overcoming of justice as revenge, typical of other times, but which does not go hand in hand with the process of the new human being.