Spaces for nonviolence FICNOVA Madrid

FICNOVA Madrid is programming two cycles of active nonviolence screenings to help “dismantle forms of violence” in a personal and social way.

We began the year with the opening of two spaces for nonviolence in two localities in the outskirts of Madrid, thanks to the help of the Municipal Libraries C. Cisneros in Alcalá de Henares and Ricardo León in Galapagar and the Centro Social Autogestionado ÍTACA, also in the latter municipality.

In Alcalá de Henares the meetings are held fortnightly. The participants have been able to benefit from the diversity of approaches contributed by each film and gain in new awareness through the rich exchanges of experience.

In Galapagar, after a first presentation of the festival in the municipal library, the meetings are scheduled on a monthly basis in the space offered by the CSA ÍTACA. The exchanges are also extremely enriching for all the participants and the next meeting is eagerly awaited.

From this atmosphere of mutual recognition and warm affection, we believe that we are sharing a useful tool that can help us gain freedom and open up new possibilities.