The cut (En)

cartel The cut
 2017. España 71 min
Direction:Ernest J. Sorrentino, María Andrés Pérez
Producer:Sergio Castellote
Script:Ernest J. Sorrentino
Director of photography:Raúl Navarro
Editing:Mario Polar Hernández, José María Ferrando
Sound:Jordi Pellús
Music:Vicente Sabater Alamat, Jordi Pellús

More than 200 million women around the world live with mutilated genitals. They are Muslim and Christian women who share a tradition that does not respect human rights.

Non-Violence Themes: SEXUAL, MORAL, ECONOMIC



Laurel Largometraje Finalista V FICNOVA 2020

FICNOVA recognises in the film the effort to show the struggle against a tradition of mutilating women’s bodies, rooted in some cultures. A struggle capable of overcoming the damage caused.