Award-winningVIDEO LIBRARY

Beyond Revenge

Imagen Más allá de la venganza
cartel Más allá de la venganza
 2016. España- Alemania 71 min
Direction:Álvaro Orús y Luz Jahnen
Producer:Luz Jahnen
Script:Álvaro Orús y Luz Jahnen



Álvaro Orús
Art Direction:Álvaro Orús
Editing:Álvaro Orús
Voiceover:Juana Pérez Montero
Music:Florent Delaunay

Beyond revenge” is a novel treatment of the archaic yet burning issue of revenge, linking the personal with the social and historical.
It dives into the history of the West to find how revenge became institutionalised and how it could become a constituent part of our entire culture, including art and religion.
But the documentary’s greatest strength lies in the testimonies of people who have become aware of how revenge has profoundly affected their lives and bravely share their stories and understandings with us. The identification with the interviewees offers us the possibility to understand revenge in our own lives, from major traumas to everyday coexistence.
We dive with the protagonists into the darkness of our feelings to emerge to the possibility of reconciliation. “Beyond Revenge” is essentially a positive and hopeful documentary and a call to consciously take a step forward in overcoming violence.




Laurel Galardón de Honor III FICNOVA 2016

FICNOVA recognises the documentary for offering an extremely valuable contribution that will help to raise awareness of the mechanisms of violence and revenge in ourselves and in society, allowing us to detach ourselves from them.