Bosa (E)

 | 2019. España 19 min |
Direction: | Aitana Serrallet Baines |
Education Centre: | Instituto Secundaria Luis Vives (Valencia – España) |
Producer: | Anna Schubert |
Script: | Aitana, Frederic y Rafael Serrallet |
Art Direction: | Rafael Serrallet |
Edition: | Rafael y Aitana Serrallet |
Music: | Aitana Serrallet, Driss El Maloumi, Rafael Serrallet, Grupo de niños Tarab de Tetuán, Troupe Zaouia El Fasia |
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When Lucas discovers that Driss, his best friend, has been sent back to Morocco with his aunt and uncle, he decides to commit the madness of going in search of him on a forbidden journey across the strait in the opposite direction to that in which it is normally carried out.
Nonviolence Themes: RACIAL, MORAL, ECONOMIC

FICNOVA recognises the film’s effort to show how, in a world divided by borders, where goods have freedom of movement but people do not, the friendship of two children is stronger than the conditions imposed by governments.
It shows how Europe’s discriminatory economic system towards Africa is shaken by the simple strength of the true feelings of friendship of the youngest children who do not encounter barriers. A European child can cross the border hidden in a lorry “without problems” because of the unthinkable fate in fiction, but tragically we know the reverse discrimination suffered by thousands of people today.
A recognition of the real things that we need to strengthen in ourselves at the present time in the face of the madness of the barriers that separate human beings.