#galardonadas FICNOVA

Award-winningVIDEO LIBRARY

Tariq (E)

Short Fiction Awarded 5 FICNOVA 2020.
FICNOVA highlights the solution provided by the work, even in everyday life, as a response to people who want to destroy coexistence. Tariq also appeals at times to the mystical side and human depth to give this answer, proposing two directions to choose in the direction of life: darkened or luminous.

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Award-winningFICNOVA Education Centers SectionVIDEO LIBRARY


Award-winning short film in the Film Schools Section 5 FICNOVA 2020.
In FICNOVA we chose this film because it shows us the story of a woman who fought against discrimination and for women’s rights and the subsequent violence of the military dictatorship in Argentina of which she was also a victim.
The responses presented here are all non-violent actions involving a large group of people in a society, …..

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Award-winningVIDEO LIBRARY


Largometraje Galardonado en el 4 FICNOVA 2018.
FICNOVA reconoce en la pelĆ­cula el esfuerzo para mostrar las raĆ­ces de las migraciones actuales y de los desplazamientos forzados de miles de personas en todo el mundo, dejando en evidencia un insensible sistema de privilegios y discriminaciĆ³n que rige la sociedad occidental, tratando de controlar y silenciar ā€œel problemaā€.

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Award-winningFICNOVA Education Centers SectionPelĆ­culas 2014VIDEO LIBRARY

Difficult decisions

Cortometraje Galardonado Centros de EnseƱanza II FICNOVA 2014.
FICNOVA reconoce en la pelĆ­cula el esfuerzo para mostrar el reconocimiento de la diversidad, como las raĆ­ces de superaciĆ³n del bullying en los niƱos y niƱas, en los y las adolescentes, que para tratar de “reafirmar su identidad” niegan la del diferente, del que sienten como “inferior” a su “normalidad”.

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