Our flag will never be red

Imagen Nuestra bandera jamás será roja
Cartel Nuestra bandera jamás será roja
 2019. Brasil 72 min
Director:Pablo López Guelli
Producer:Giovanna V Borghi
Script:Pablo López Guelli
Photography Direction:Rogério Che
Edition:Eduardo Consonni, Rodrigo T. Marques
Sund:André Abujanra

“Our flag will never be red” shows the struggle of independent journalists in Brazil to break the blockade imposed by 6 families that dominate the country’s information system.
Brazil has “6 Berlusconis” who together control more than 90% of the national audience in all types of media. According to the interviewees, the Berlusconis were responsible for one of the biggest journalistic frauds of all time: a massive deception that destroyed people’s trust in the traditional press and threw Brazil into fascism.
By examining the role of the Brazilian media in the socio-political events that occurred between 2013 and 2019, the film answers a question that is intriguing everyone:
Who is Bolsonaro, and how did he become the president of the world’s sixth most populous country?”




Laurel Largometrajes Finalistas 6 FICNOVA 2022

In the film, FICNOVA highlights the denouncement of the manipulation of the media in response to the economic interests of companies and the courageous response of alternative media as a way out of a corrupt model that is replicated in many countries.