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ritmos de la coma
los ritmos de la coma
  2017. España – 21 min
Director: Pablo Vila de Toro
Producer: Viladetoro Studio
Script: María Amparo García Ferrer, Emérita Mena Valero, Sara García Gironés, Alba Mariscal López
Op. camera: Paco Ramos Medina
Editing: Pablo Vila de Toro
Music: Scott Holmes
Cast: Consuelo Cano Domínguez, Carles Ordiñana Ricart, Mila Peris Peris, Andrés Dopico, Maribel Gómez, Beti López Casas, Pablo Alcón Sáez

Rhythms of La Coma

is a short documentary that aims to show the potential of children and young people living in a high-risk area such as the Coma neighbourhood in Paterna (Valencia – Spain). It shows the neglect of vulnerable territories by public institutions and focuses on the importance of school and non-formal curriculum in the empowerment of these children to strengthen their autonomy and increase their social competence.

Rhythms of La Coma is the result of a teaching innovation project of the SFPIE of the UV developed by students of the Degree in Social Work, led by Professor José Javier Navarro (Dept. of Social Work and SSH / Institute of Local Development). It shows the different rhythms of life in a neighbourhood full of life such as La Coma (Paterna – Valencia) and the dreams of the children who live there.

Ritmos de La Coma would not have been possible without the participation of Viladetoro Studio and the educational community of CEIP La Coma, Escuela de Percusión Cientambores and the University of Valencia.




galardón IV ficnova

FICNOVA recognises in this documentary a transformative demonstration effect driven by an educational community involved in the integration of an entire neighbourhood, beyond the official curriculum. A different example of how the fight against discrimination and violence can be piloted with an unexpected engine: rescuing the virtues we have from a young age, using different vehicles, such as a batukada that teaches us to take others into account in order to tune in as a whole.