Tenderness the call of the Ñuke Mapu
2023. Chile 120 min. | |
Dirección: | Ricardo Von Mühlenbrock |
Productor: | Rodrigo Alejandro Pinto Suarez |
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The story begins with volunteer work carried out in the winter of 1999 in the Mapuche community Choin Lafkenche in the southern part of Chile. Here we met Julio Huentekura Llancaleo, a young Mapuche from Santiago de Chile, and together we travelled through different communities of Malleko recording the voices of the moment. After 20 years we returned to Chile after the Social Outbreak and the COVID 19 pandemic to learn more about Julio who was treacherously murdered in a capital city prison. We travelled through the Wallmapu meeting and sharing with new Mapuche communities their struggle and their current demands in the process of territorial recuperation
NonViolence themes:
FICNOVA recognises that it brings us closer to the Mapuche culture, which brings us closer to the search for what is essential in so many other cultures around the world. A demonstration of the need for cultures to be able to live in mutual respect, recognising the enormous loss we experience by living with our backs to each other.