Unite for Bissau

2023. USA 50 min. | |
Dirección: | Iara Lee |
Productor: | Iara Lee |
Guion: | |
Dirección fotografía: | |
Dirección artística: | |
Montaje: | João Meirinhos |
Sonido: |
Música: |
In the West African nation of Guinea-Bissau, this thought-provoking film takes you on a journey that follows courageous local women who challenge patriarchy by building institutions that promote self-sufficiency through agro-ecology. They also challenge social norms by opposing female genital mutilation and rejecting forced marriage. Overtaking the legacy of Amilcar Cabral, the Bissau-Guinean independence leader who placed women’s rights at the centre of the liberation struggle, women of a rising generation are taking back their power.

NonViolence themes:

FICNOVA recognises this film for providing a demonstration effect of the collective work felt by women who stand up against the poor, outdated patriarchal schemes. A hymn to hope for a collective humanity.