Out of the Abyss
2023. Honduras 13 min. | |
Dirección: | Jordi Ruíz Cirera |
Productor: | Agencia de las Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados (ACNUR) |
Guion: | Magdalena Cernadas |
Dirección fotografía: | Jordi Ruíz Cirera |
Dirección artística: | Jordi Ruíz Cirera |
Montaje: | Aimar Galdós |
Sonido: | Alex Martínez Queralt |
Música: | |
When he was in his early twenties, Santiago Ávila had only one thing on his mind: music. As the lead singer of ‘Fuera del Abismo’, a heavy metal band, his life revolved around music, to such a degree that he ignored the harsh reality of his hometown, Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras, where the dominance of armed gangs has spread and where refusing their offers can be lethal.
NonViolence theme:
FICNOVA recognises this film for providing a demonstration effect of how to resist and get out of the spiral of violence with internal coherence, giving non-violent responses. An example capable of saving many lives, and which opens up hope for many young people without a future.