Truth in the Blood
2022. Argentina 20 min. | |
Dirección: | Magdalena Cernadas |
Productor: | Tec Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnologia e Innovación / Conicet Documental |
Guion: | Magdalena Cernadas |
Dirección fotografía: | |
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Carried within the framework of the commemoration of 24 March, National Day of Memory for Truth and Justice, it narrates the heroic journey and the scientific revolution carried out and promoted by the Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo that resulted in the discovery of the grandparents’ index – a factor from which the daughters and sons of those who disappeared during the last civil-military dictatorship are identified – and in the creation of the National Bank of Genetic Data as the first institution in the world to carry out this specific type of filiation analysis.
NonViolence themes:
![laurel FINALISTA 7 FICNOVA 2024](
FICNOVA recognises this film for providing a demonstration effect of how human intention leaps over any barrier or impediment, opening up new possibilities for the future. The faith in the positive struggle of courageous grandmothers is capable of mobilising all the resources at their disposal to transform the world.