New FICNOVA – ANIFF web environment

Our website renews its environment and offers new features to all those interested in this space for nonviolence.
Coinciding with the dissemination of the call for the 7th edition of the festival, we present this website with a new environment and design, which includes new features that will make its contents more accessible.
Initially, it shows the main news of the moment and the links to the actions that may be of interest to directors and filmmakers who want to participate by registering their film in the new edition of the festival, and to all those who are interested in the films recognised by FICNOVA

In addition, the website is now available in the two official languages of the festival: Spanish and English, accessible from the flags in the menu.
In this way we hope to facilitate participation and consultation from many more countries.

We can quickly get an overview of the festival from About the festival or get to know every single detail of each of its editions, which makes it a particularly useful project for all those interested in developing active nonviolence.
In this way we hope to facilitate participation and consultation from many more countries.

We have renewed the entire FICNOVA Nonviolence Video Library, which includes the 118 finalist and award-winning films from the previous six editions, with information on the making of each one, synopsis, reasons for recognition by FICNOVA and access to the trailers or the production itself.

We will have easy access to FICNOVA’s activities at all times, with the next events to be held and the news of the activities carried out, by accessing from the main menu and from the home page.

In addition, for those who are interested, from about us, you can find numerous text and video documentation, with the foundations on which we rely and study in FICNOVA, to advance in the development of nonviolence.