
I Edition FICNOVA 2013

The first edition of FICNOVA kicked off on 2 October with various events: Appeal for peace in Coruña, commemorative event in Nouakchok-Mauritania. On the same day, the Ficnova Gala was held in Fuenlabrada at the Espacio Joven La Plaza.

The Faculty of Economics of the UNED hosted the Ficnova Gala in Madrid on 3 October. The morning was dedicated to the “Educational Section” with presentations by teachers and students and a workshop on coexistence between cultures by “Aire Comunicación”.

In Mexico, a presentation of the festival was held at the Centro Culturál José Martí in Mexico City with a screening of award-winning films.

Screening and discussion sessions were organised on 5 October at the association “La Cantera” in Murcia, and on 11 October at the headquarters of Mundo sin Guerras in Malaga, and in the lounges of a café in Vigo.

On 10 October, the most artistic gala presented by the actress Genma Pardo at the Agora in Coruña.

FICNOVA received 26 works in competition and supporting videos from different latitudes with fundamentally social themes: mutual support networks, gender violence, denunciation and mediation in conflict resolution. Amateurs and professionals participated, admitting from feature films to micro-short films. Local juries composed of educators, nonviolence activists and film professionals selected the works that best captured the nonviolent response.

Awarded works Ficnova 1

Award winners at 1 Ficnova 2013

Finalist works Ficnova 1


Ficnova 1 image gallery
Ficnova 1 video gallery