Sarura. The future is an unknown place

Feature film FINALIST 7 FICNOVA 2024
FICNOVA recognizes to bring a demonstration effect of nonviolent resistance to violence, whose example crosses borders. A young population confronts, from its human dignity as an unbreakable inner center, the greatest unreason and discrimination of those who consider themselves “superior”.

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Give It Back

Finalist short film of the section centers of higher education.
FICNOVA recognizes this film for providing an example with a fiction that conveys a reality among young people, but that we can find everywhere: Sometimes we miscalculate the supposed benefits that can bring us to be with the dominant group, against the betrayal that we do to ourselves by not acting according to what we feel as really valid. But there can always be a moment of reflection, of inner sincerity that brings us back to the coherence that makes us strong.

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FINALIST short film in the Primary and Secondary Schools Section.

FICNOVA recognizes this film for providing an example of the importance of shaping a positive internal reference from childhood, able to jump over appearances, fashions, … Educating in self-esteem, in the wonder of coming together from diversity, is a guarantee of being able to recognize human greatness.

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Finalist short film of the section EDUCATIONAL CENTERS: HIGHER EDUCATION.
FICNOVA recognizes this film for its contribution: In a world in a struggle to impose oneself on others, it can be difficult to be coherent in our actions with what we feel and think. The film shows, after the desperation, one of those moments of silence, of recapacitation and of sincerity with oneself, capable of recognizing again our inner center of coherence, which gives us strength in the face of any adversity.

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Blacks’ afternoon tea

Finalist short film in the higher education section.
FICNOVA recognizes this film for providing an unprejudiced look at racial discrimination, in which the location of vindicating diversity is made manifest. It seems that the serious problem is for those who consider themselves superior or inferior to others because of their skin color, because they have forgotten who they are on the inside.

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Truth in the Blood

Finalist Short Film 7th FICNOVA 2024.
FICNOVA recognizes this film for providing a demonstration effect of how human intention leaps over any barrier or impediment, opening new possibilities for the future. The faith in the positive struggle of courageous grandmothers is capable of mobilizing all the resources at their disposal to transform the world.

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Out of the Abyss

Short Film Finalist 7th FICNOVA 2024.
FICNOVA recognizes this film for providing a demonstration effect of how to resist and get out of the spiral of violence with internal coherence, giving non-violent responses. An example capable of saving many lives, and that opens the hope of many young people with no future.

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Fraternal Summits – Chérif

Short Film Finalist 7th FICNOVA 2024. FICNOVA recognizes this film for providing a demonstration effect of a special help that can be offered to people “without papers” that goes beyond material needs. The elevated contact with the mountain can resonate with the deepest part of people and recognize an enormous inner strength, useful to face many difficulties afterwards.

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