These are the films awarded by the international selection team of the 5th International Film Festival of Active Nonviolence 2020 with the “Stelae” of this edition, in its six different sections.

Educational Centres: Short Films


Aitana Serrallet Baines
2019- España – 19 min

When Lucas discovers that Driss, his best friend, has been sent back to Morocco with his aunt and uncle, he decides to commit the madness of going in search of him on a forbidden journey across the strait in the opposite direction to that in which it is normally carried out.

Complete film fact sheet


Educational Centres: Film Schools Short Films

Tili´s Garden

Las respuestas aquí presentadas son todas de acciones no violentas que involucran a un gran grupo de personas de una sociedad, que dan esta lucha para evitar que se vuelvan a repetir estas acciones que atentan contra los derechos y la vida humana. Y todo esto mostrado desde la mirada y la gráfica de una niña, lo que le da la sensibilidad fresca, espontánea de las nuevas generaciones, que nos deja con una sensación liviana y de un futuro abierto y más humano.

Complete film fact sheet

General Section: Short Documentary Films

From our Muxu´x

From our Muxu’x connects with the affective feelings towards others in the work to overcome discrimination and violence of the most disadvantaged: women and indigenous peoples in Guatemala.

The example of Sara Curruchich, shared from city to city through music, brings us all closer together. It shows an awareness as human beings capable of creating and building, across differences. Listening in silence as it resonates in us, in any culture, this message is not only of Central America, but becomes universal.


Complete film fact sheet

General Section: Short Fiction Films


The nonviolent response of Tariq‘s protagonist is noteworthy. His mother lives in fear that her son will give a violent response and succumb to war. He, through his memory, will respond in an unexpected way to those who want to end their lives.

The solution provided by the play stands out, even in everyday life, as a response to people who want to destroy coexistence. Tariq also appeals at times to mysticism and human depth to give this response, suggesting two directions to choose in the direction of life: darkened or luminous.

Complete film fact sheet

General Section: Medium-Length Films

The Threads of the board

This documentary deals with one of the issues we consider to be the most important in global violence: the arms industry and its consequences.

It develops one of the most abhorrent human tragedies as war, but not only in its ideological conception but also in its manipulation and suffering, narrated through moving testimonies.

Complete film fact sheet

General Section: Feature Films

¡Nae pasaran!

Nae Pasaran tells a part of Chile’s history that is told in such a way that it has transmitted the empathy and fighting spirit of its protagonists, thus rescuing the best of human beings.

Complete film fact sheet