

FICNOVA 7 (2023-2024)

cartel 7º FICNOVA 2024

To date, the group of volunteers who organise the festival have made an enormous effort to view and evaluate the 2,724 films submitted from 126 countries and to select those that present significant examples of the power of nonviolence. In this way, we admitted 921 works from 93 countries to the Official Selection of this year’s edition.

Among all of them, we recognised 41 works as FINALISTS, which in addition to denouncing different forms of violence and discrimination, each one of them provides different ways out or ways to overcome or positively transfer these situations, opening the future in a nonviolent direction, a growing direction that transforms us and is transforming the world.

Since 2 October, International Day of Nonviolence declared by the United Nations, we know the awarded films.

From that date onwards, in different events programmed in each of the FICNOVA host cities, we will screen the finalist and award-winning films free of charge, with the prior consent of the authors.

We announce that although we will initially focus on the screening of the award-winning and finalist films, we hope to be able to reach agreements with all the authors of the “Official Competition Selection” who wish to do so, so that their works can be accessible from the FICNOVA website, or for screening at events organised by FICNOVA to disseminate nonviolence free of charge.

We will be publishing more info

Images of the Ficnova 7 Events
Video Gallery of Ficnova 7