Finalists 2 FICNOVA 2014

These are the finalist films of the 2nd International Film Festival of Active Nonviolence 2014 in its five different sections

Educational Centres Section: Short Films

Difficult decisions

España. 14:00 min

Dir: Asoc. Centro Trama

Complete film fact sheet 

With willpower you can

España. 8.32 min

Dir: Rosa M. Perera Carmona

IES Giner de los Rios

Complete film fact sheet 

The Clash

México. 6:15 min

Dir: Claudia Yolanda Gutierrez Anaya

Complete film fact sheet 

Educational Centres Section: Micro-short films

No more violence

México. 0:48 min

Dir: Nicolás López Maya

Complete film fact sheet 

The hidden history of mobs

México. 1:33 min

Dir: José Cuauhtli Solís

Complete film fact sheet 

General Section: Short Films

Paquito, the guide in Alpendeire

España. 5:04 min

Dir. Fernando Pozo

Complete film fact sheet 

The return journey

España. 14:30 min

Dir. Alberto E. Pons Florido

Complete film fact sheet 


España/Venezuela. 16:00 min

Dir: Oskar Tejedor

Complete film fact sheet


Argentina. 2:17 min

Dir. Patricia Lacolla

Complete film fact sheet 


Guatemala. 14:00 min

Dir: Ingrid Cuevas

Complete film fact sheet 


USA. 6:30 min

Dir: Ken Kimmelman

Complete film fact sheet 

Ri´ka raibal ixoqi¨ – Nuestro territorio cuerpo-tierra en libertad

Guatemala. 16:12 min

Dir: Unión Nacional de Mujeres Guatemaltecas

Complete film fact sheet 

General Section: Medium length films

The girls

Venezuela. 58 min

Dir. Gabriela González

Complete film fact sheet 

At home, in bed and on the street

Nicaragua / Canadá. 35 min

Dir. Liz Miller

Complete film fact sheet

Polygamy, the weight of a tradition

Burkina Faso. 34:10 min

Dir. Roland Zongo Sanou

Complete film fact sheet

General Section: Feature Films

The footprints of the footpath

España. 63 min

Dir. Luis Cintora

Complete film fact sheet

Pachakuti 2012. The chageover

Argentina. 61 min

Dir. Carlos Santos

Complete film fact sheet