logo Películas FINALISTAS III FICNOVA 2016

These are the FINALIST films of the 3rd International Film Festival of Active Nonviolence 2016, in its four different sections.


A minute of silence

2016. Italia. 5 min

Dir: Classe 4ºB a.s. 2015-2016

Liceo Artístico Toschi

A minute’s silence? The horror of the Paris attacks 13/11/2015. A minute’s silence is observed in classrooms as a sign of mourning.

Complete film fact sheet

Carnival of the Good Shepherd

2016. Colombia. 8:29 min

Dir: Laly Malagón
UNI5TV – Universidad del Norte
Good Shepherd Prison – Barranquilla

Carnaval del Buen Pastor, tells the story of Silvia, a woman who has lived and enjoyed Carnival in all its splendour for 15 years, playing the role of La Diabla and continues to do so even though she is behind bars.

Complete film fact sheet


2015. España. 1 min

Dir: LaCA Audiovisual Creation Laboratory at Barcelona Youth Prison

Can the journey be just a dream, an illusion perhaps, can Europe be just that illusion?

Complete film fact sheet



2015. Italia – Burkina Faso. 14 min

Dir. Jean Hamado Tiemtore

In the Bambara language, in Burkina Faso, the term Kandia, composed of the words Kan (voice) and Dia (beauty), means the good voice, but also the beauty that the voice produces. In the heart of Lecce, in Puglia, a choir of voices singing their own humanity. They sing in Italian, Tamil, Swahili… An example of integration and encounter between peoples.

Complete film fact sheet


2015. España. 10 min

Dir. Sonia Guerra

One day like any other, Chila Huerta picked up her three children and left the house where she lived with her husband. No one in the city understood how she had been able to leave him.

Complete film fact sheet

The other side

Italia. 25 min

Dir: Giuseppe Favaloro

Dir. Jean Hamado Tiemtore

Story of the immigration of human beings, reliving the past reflected in the present through difficult journeys in search of hope.

Complete film fact sheet


BALKAN BLUES: Stories from Mostar

2016. Italia. 35 min

Dir. Lucio de Candia

Balkans Blues aims to demonstrate that, in a period when violent religious radicalism is used for unclear and dangerous ends, the universal language of music and art can promote peace, tolerance and social harmony.

Complete film fact sheet


2014. Francia. 53 min

Dir. Lizette Lemoine

In Bogota, actors from the VARASANTA theatre delve into the horror of the war that the country has lived through and the pain of its victims.

Complete film fact sheet

If David had persuaded Goliath

2015. Argentina. 34:10 min

Dir. Carlos Santos

We asked people from different parts of the world about the origin of violence.
The builders of the Permanent Councils for Active Nonviolence tell us about their transforming experiences in the work developed in Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, USA, Uganda and Italy.

Complete film fact sheet


Fugir de L’oblit

2016. España. 90 min

Dir. Abel Moreno Pradas

At 90 years of age, Pitu walks fast, as if he were on the run. This anonymous old man probably got used to it years ago: running away from Franco’s regime, from the refugee camp in Algiers, from the Vichy government’s labour camps, from the massacre at Oradour-sur-Glane, from the Nazi concentration camps.

Complete film fact sheet

Dauna. What the river carries

2015. Venezuela. 104 min

Dir. Mario Crespo

For Dauna, life in the Orinoco delta has generated a strong curiosity for what exists beyond the river. Her natural talent for language and learning was always supported by her family and her father Julio.

Complete film fact sheet


2016. Ecuador / España. 62 min

Dir. Pepe Vidal

” Runes “, tells the story of the director’s journey to mobilise the collective in the square. “Runas” is the return of its director with the audiovisual “La Ventana de los Andes”, the consequences and conclusions about the different projections.

Complete film fact sheet

Honourable Mentions (out of competition)

Silo. A spiritual path

2016. España. 90 min

Dir. Abel Moreno Pradas

In 1969, in Argentina, Mario Rodriguez Cobos, SILO, launches a movement for non-violence, responding to the growing violence in the world and the Latin American dictatorships. Through a young woman, we will travel to different countries to listen to the testimonies of people who were inspired by Silo.

Complete film fact sheet


Argentina. 99 min

Dir: Leandro Bartoletti

In the midst of social and political upheaval… a voice rises in the mountains with a message of peace and non-violence. His voice was silenced, his words were denounced. This humble thinker has touched the lives of millions of people around the world. How is it that he remains the best kept secret in the Andes?

Complete film fact sheet

Beyond Revenge

2016. España- Alemania. 75 min

Álvaro Orús & Luz Jahnen

Beyond Revenge” is a novel treatment of the archaic and, at the same time, hot topic of revenge, which connects the personal with the social and historical.

Complete film fact sheet

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